Project Description

  • Why is a Colonoscopy performed?

    Colonoscopies are used as a screening test for bowel cancers, for people experiencing rectal bleeding, changed bowel habits and abdominal pain.

  • What preparation is required for this test?

    You are required to go on a low fibre diet and take bowel preperation starting 48hours prior to your appointment time.  Detailed instructions to cleanse your bowel will be provided on booking your procedure. It is very important to adhere to these steps, as this will affect the quality of the procedure.

  • Can I take my regular medication?
    A pre-assessment questionnaire will be completed during your booking. Please ensure you have all medications available during this process. Our friendly booking staff will inform you, if you are required to cease any specific medication.
  • What happens during the procedure?
    After a consultation with the specialist Gastroenterology and anaesthetist, you will be escorted by our nursing staff to the endoscopy suite. There you will be requested to remove your lower items of clothing, and are then given a light anaesthetic(sedation) by the anaesthetist. The colonoscope is then passed into the anus, through the rectum and into the colon. Small tissue samples (biopsies) are usually taken during the procedure, as required, and you should not feel during or after the procedure. If polyps (abnormal growths) are found these are usually removed during the procedure and sent to pathology for analysis. The procedural time is approximately 20 minutes.

  • What are the possible complications of colonoscopy?

    Colonoscopy is generally a safe procedure, especially when performed by experienced specialists.  Although rare, complications can occur.  These will be explained by the specialist on the day during your pre-procedure consultation.

  • What happens following the colonoscopy procedure?

    After the procedure patients are monitored in the recovery room until the effects of the sedation have worn off.  This may take up to one hour.  You may find that your stomach feels bloated.  Patients are able to resume normal activities the following day.  Due to the sedation patients are not allowed to drive or operate machinery until the following day.

    *Please note it is mandatory you have an adult carer for 24 hours post-procedure. Your procedure may be cancelled if this has not been organised.

Make An Appointment

We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week to receive your information.
Click the button below, fill in the form and one of our friendly booking staff will call you within two(2) business days to confirm a date and time for your appointment.